Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: BBC Newsnight on IPCC
...Instead, Professor Field tried to talk over me and deny, deny, deny. As I said in the interview, this issue is not ambiguous. The studies are not equivocal. There is no signal of rising temperatures in the disaster record. Period. Maybe there will be in the future, but there wasn't in 2006, when the IPCC deadline for publication occurred and there is not now. Further, both the "mystery graph" and the falsification of my views are unambiguous failures of the IPCC process to ensure that accurate information is included in its reports. How can this be denied?

Why the IPCC has chosen to take a stand on this issue -- to defend the indefensible -- is beyond me. If you truly believe that science is self-correcting and truth wins in the end, then the IPCC has staked out a position that it cannot win on in the long term, no matter how much spin is applied in the short term.
Comment: Abbott's uncomfortable climate policy | Australian Climate Madness
...TA should bide his time and continue with his "interim" policy, until the political climate and public opinion can accept what should be the proper Coalition position: that climate change is a non-problem.
Tony Abbott joins The 7.30 Report
KERRY O’BRIEN: Mr Abbott, you are using terminology like there's evidence evidence that carbon dioxide might be a problem. When you put that alongside what you told that audience in regional Victoria in October last year, "The climate change argument is absolute crap, however the politics are tough for us because 80 per cent of people believe climate change is a real and present danger". In other words, the only conclusion you draw from that is that you are saying, "We have to have a climate change policy because the people believe it's a danger, but I believe it's crap".

TONY ABBOTT: Well no, and as I said before, there was a little bit of rhetorical hyperbole in there which does not represent my considered position, I am not as evangelical about this as Prime Minister Rudd is. I am not theological about this the way Prime Minister Rudd is, but I do think it's important. And that is why I'm prepared to invest $10 billion over the coming decade to bring about things which will be good regardless, good for the environment, regardless of your views on the role of carbon dioxide in climate.
Laugh at warmist King. Please | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Overheated speculation because on misinformation about key facts? If King is now laughed at for his warmist beliefs, will he now retract them on the same grounds, too?
Acclaimed Climategate Analyst points to whistleblower rather than hacker | CLIMATEGATE
Dr. Costella has made a compelling factually-based case that Phil Jones’ unlawful deletion of emails was, he admits, well known to his FOI Officer. Jones was instructed to desist in breaking the law by that Officer. He continued to refuse to comply with the officer’s request. Thereafter, a vast amount of data (62MB) contained within a directory entitled ‘FOIA’ was uploaded onto the Internet. Absent any evidence to prove a hack we may thus infer a conscientious whistleblower, probably the FOI Officer, leaked the emails.
Breaking! Penn State says they are exempt from Freedom of Information Act | CLIMATEGATE

1 comment:

cbullitt said...

Okay,you have the Penn State stuff. Just checking.