Monday, February 15, 2010

Skeptic's Corner: KISS Please!
Update: One not quite insignificant point I wanted to make but forgot is about this one assertion in the IPCC literature quoted above:

It is believed that the overall effect of the feedback amplifies the temperature increase

Does this sound convincing, believed? Obviously it is not proven, it is not, or they would have stated that. Upon that belief the entire theory rests. It is also that "belief" or assumption which is fed into the computer models which forecast global warning. without this "belief" the entire theory falls apart.
Global warming: Real Climate's defence of the IPCC report--the truth doesn't matter
It doesn't help that the claim is sourced to a person that Real Climate calls 'a Moroccan climate expert' but who Richard North (who helped break the story) calls a carbon trading expert who once worked for Morocco's Ministry of Land-use Management, Water and the Environment.
Climate Science Compromise | The Resilient Earth
The IPCC and its associates thought global warming was a slam dunk winning case and, because it was a sure thing, they tried to steamroller any and all opposition. But this is not how science works. All voices need to be heard: the ones that are in opposition and particularly those who point out flaws in the proffered theory. Instead of meaningful dialog, the climate change alarmists offered an atmosphere of intolerance and ridicule for any opposing view. They are now reaping the bitter harvest of their own hubris.

The upshot of all this is that climate change legislation is dead in the US Congress for the foreseeable future and public belief in the dangers of global warming has dropped world wide. Still the indecorous Rajendra Pachauri continues to spew vituperative complaints at his critics in a failed attempt to defend the indefensible. As it turns out, climate science was only “settled science” in the same sense that toxic effluent settles to the bottom of a holding tank.
Six Meat Buffet » Blog Archive » If The Tree of Global Warming Fell In The Living Rooms of The American Press And No One Reported It Would It Make A Sound?
An open request to the British Press. In addition to absolutely kicking the arse of your counterparts in the American unofficially state-run media on the subject of so-called “climate change” – your next story should be about how and why they have ignored this story completely.

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