Monday, February 01, 2010

TTC buses idle ... and idle in the cold | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
Rumbled recently by controversy over snoozing ticket collectors and drivers hopping out for coffee and to use bank machines, the TTC has been attacking the environment by idling hundreds of buses day and night in cold weather at two yards.

Idling buses are left to spew harmful diesel fumes because expensive Swedish technology installed nearly a decade ago has never worked properly.

The UWE system was supposed to allow buses to keep warm during winter, using hot glycol.

The anti-freeze is heated within the Eglinton and Birchmount garages, then pumped to the parked coaches through overhead pipes. It is then reheated and recycled.

“The system does work, but in the extreme cold, it’s not as effective,” TTC spokesman Brad Ross conceded Sunday. Especially in cold snaps such as the GTA experienced since last week, “diesel engines are not fans of the system.”
In 2003, the first winter the UWE was used, a $1.3-million “circulation pressure” glitch meant over 200 buses ran nightly at Eglinton for nearly a month during a cold snap.
City of Toronto: Transportation Services - Idling Control Bylaw
The by-law is intended to reduce unnecessary idling in the City. It limits idling to no more than three minutes in a given 60 minute period. The by-law allows transit vehicles to idle when picking up or discharging passengers and also allows limited idling when transit vehicles are waiting for passengers. As well, the by-law provides for idling during extreme outdoor temperatures to ensure heating or cooling inside a vehicle.
EU Referendum: The "larger truth"
This really is like a religion – recognisably so. At one time, it used to be verboten even to question the truth of the bible, but as the iron grip of dogma was relaxed and scholars began to question whether the holy script was the literal truth, the same mantra was offered. Yes, there may be "inconsistencies" in the narrative, but hold on to the "larger truth" my child – keep the faith.

Thus it is with the warmists. Their holy writ, the IPCC report in tatters - and even "Amazongate" gets a mention - they resort to exactly the same mantra: never mind the detail ... keep the faith my child, the world is warming. But gradually, their churches are emptying, leaving poor little Louise and her friends desperately trying to hold the line. The poor dears – one almost feels sorry for them.
Twitter / David [Climate Nuremberg] Roberts
There are uncertainties in climate science but they have overshadowed what is NOT uncertain: business-as-usual will lead to catastrophe.
Twitter / David Roberts
@ghoberg @revkin @kgrandia @EarthIndustry This may be heretical, but I'm less & less convinced scientific "authority" does any work at all.

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