Thursday, February 11, 2010

US climate skeptics seize on blizzard
US opponents of climate change action are seizing on a record snowfall in Washington in hopes of killing legislation to curb carbon emissions, which already faced uncertain political prospects.

Environmentalists have launched a swift counter-attack, pointing out that Olympics host Vancouver is facing a dearth of snow and saying the extreme weather may in fact offer proof, not a rebuttal, of dangerous climate change.
Where did Pachuari get the money?
Given that Pachuari reports making $48,000 a year you have to ask how he can afford to have $230,000 sitting in a bank account.
There is No Frakking "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming: Just One Cotton-Pickin' Minute
Now what really needs asking is this: How did the Toronto Star manage, within a period of 66 days, to go from telling us our very survival was at stake due to global warming to arguing that, well, fighting pollution is a good idea, anyway?
The Blackboard » Monckton V Lambert: More info.
Deltoid reports there will be a live feed for of the Monckton/ Lambert face off in Sydney.
Fingered Marxists vanish from Governor’s side | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
There has been a cleansing of the Marxists from the membership list of the Climate Emergency Network since I noted their involvement in a political rally foolishly being addressed by the Governor, David de Kretser. Now you see them, now you don’t.
Hot Enough for You? -
Global warmists used to love talking about the weather.
May 2006: Al Gore: The Come-Back Kid -- New York Magazine
he houselights dim. The audience quiets. And Gore, up onscreen, begins to teach. An Inconvenient Truth, in case you haven’t heard, is a feature-length treatment of a slide show Gore has been honing for nearly two decades. For much of that time, he was virtually alone in the political class in fretting about global warming. But that was before what Gore describes as our recent “nature hike through the Book of Revelations.” Before the record-breaking heat waves, the melting glaciers, the drowning polar bears. Before the droughts, the typhoons, the tornadoes. And, oh, yes, before Katrina.

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