Monday, March 29, 2010

AMS/NWA sponsored survey of TV weathercasters: 63% Believe Global Warming is Mostly Natural « Watts Up With That?
Only 4% trust politicians on climate change information.
Have Copenhagen And Climategate Killed Green Tech? | eWEEK Europe UK
Confidence in climate change may be at an all time low, but what scares Peter Judge is the possibility that the hype could start again
The Mongolian Winter Tragedy |
The video, taken by Ulziimajor from YouTube, shows Mongolian livestock in January 2010 when over one million livestock had already perished. According to Ulziimajor, livestock “were dying on the spot, chewing on plastic and even chewing on plastic bags and hair of DEAD ANIMALS as a last desperation.”

Livestock are still starving to death or dying because of the extreme cold while the people have been growing more and more desperate as they watch their herds die off rapidly in this disaster.
[About those people who don't believe that CO2 might kill us all: Are they nuts?!]:  The Denialist
And what about the Floridians who get annoyed by a few weeks of unseasonably cold weather, which they are inclined to consider as proof that global warming is not a pressing matter. More evidence of an underlying behavioral disorder?

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