Friday, March 12, 2010

Cap and Tax - The Editors - National Review Online
By trying to satisfy everyone, the Green Three may end up satisfying no one, thereby sparing the United States this legislation and its potentially ruinous consequences, which include trillions of dollars in misspent capital, higher prices on practically every good produced in the United States, and a permanent reduction in our global competitiveness, particularly vis-à-vis Asia and the European Union. And all of this for little or no real environmental benefit.
Reuters AlertNet - 'Comic activists' take on climate disasters
The young comic artists have plenty of first-hand material for their work. As climate change takes hold in the region, Lahkar, from Barbhag in lower Assam, has seen the once annual floods in his village turn into unpredictable disasters, with waters sometimes rising six or seven times a year.
The Reference Frame: Tamino vs random walk
He's trying to "debunk" a comment by his reader who argued that the measured temperature series may be represented as a random walk - which is a much better model to describe the measured data than a linear trend combined with a white noise.

Of course, Tamino doesn't like it because it undermines the power of the AGW religious cult he faithfully believes. So he tries to produce some counter-arguments. The only counter-argument he produces is that random walks produce unbounded functions.
Climate-change science panned - Salt Lake Tribune
Environmentalists and climate-change activists faced several defeats in the legislative session this year, with lawmakers repeatedly taking a strident stances against climate-change warnings.
Twitter / Mark Leneve
#domsmadeupfacts The inventors of global warming came up with the idea after watching an episode of Bonanza.

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