Carbon neutral caution | Grist
Is this a photoshopped image?
I thought it was interesting to take a look at the climate action plan from the city of Copenhagen. It's certainly a contender for the title of the greenest and most progressive city on earth, and it's a city that has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2025. But what you find is that even for the Danes, carbon neutrality is more aspirational than actionableChu: Blogs distort climate debate - The Hill's E2-Wire
In other words, even Copenhagen doesn't have a plan to achieve zero emissions. They'll rely on what amounts to offsets for over a million tons of CO2, roughly half of their current carbon footprint
Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Friday that evidence of human-induced climate change is overwhelming – and suggested the blogosphere hasn’t done wonders for public understanding of the issue.Response: Scientists should stop deceiving us | Comment is free | The Guardian
“Despite what you may hear in the blogs and things, the overwhelming evidence of climate change is growing stronger day by day, year by year [How so, specifically? How much stronger is it today than it was on Nov 1, 2009?] ,” he said in a speech at the annual conference of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
The question, he added, is not whether the Earth will warm up, but by how much.
In holding that the aim of science is truth alone, they misrepresent its real aimsThe Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis by Jeremy Rifkin | Book review | Books | The Guardian
...those whose power and wealth come from fossil fuels will do anything they can to promote "climate scepticism".
This is where the leaked emails come in. With global warming fuelling a resurgence of geopolitical tensions, climate science has become a weapon in a war of disinformation. Whatever lapses in intellectual probity they might reveal, the messages are being used to obscure a mass of evidence showing that anthropogenic climate change is real, and may be occurring more rapidly than previously believed. It is still possible to frame an intelligent response to the threat, but first we need to recognise that the climate has become a battleground. Empathy won't save us.
Is this a photoshopped image?
It indeed seems a photoshopped image.
They only expel water vapour, i never seen they putting black smoke out. I search in google images and no photo shows it making black smoke.
There is another possible explanation. And it is a trickery, expecting that a cloud nearby prevents a part of water vapour reflecting light. In short a misleading photo either way.
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