Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cascade Policy Institute - Todd Wynn » The Climate Swindle
Are you worried about your carbon footprint hurting the earth? Don’t worry. Now climate doomsayers can sleep easy at night. For a fee a carbon offset provider will gladly funnel your money into earth friendly projects aimed to reduce greenhouse gases, such as planting trees in Ecuador or supporting a wind farm in Texas. But are carbon offset providers really delivering what they claim? Studies of international carbon offset schemes have revealed examples of widespread fraud and abuse. And now, investigations into two of the most prominent carbon offset providers in the U.S. have revealed that neither of them actually offers real reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Todd Wynn writes:
For the past year I have been researching into the Bonneville Environmental Foundation’s carbon offset scheme. This audit accompanies the audit on Oregon’s carbon offset provider, the Climate Trust. Both audits highlight the scam of carbon offsets.

I have just finished the in-depth audit which can be found here (PDF).

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