Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chu: Obama's entire energy policy is based on his alleged belief in the most massive scientific fraud in history

Fareed Zakaria - Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy future - washingtonpost.com
Q: How would you describe Obama's energy policy in a few sentences?

A: We look at all the factors and we say, How can we get to the lowest possible level of carbon as quickly as possible and not only at the lowest cost, but with the greatest possible economic opportunity for the U.S.?
[Q] Do you think that having a price on carbon is crucial?

[A] I do. I absolutely believe a price on carbon is essential -- that will send a very important long-term signal. [But] if it's five years from now, I think it will be truly tragic, because other countries, notably China, are moving ahead so aggressively. They see this as their economic opportunity to lead in the next industrial revolution.   [Question: If someone actually believed that CO2 might kill our grandchildren, why would it be "truly tragic" if China invented magical new CO2-free energy technology?]

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