Monday, March 08, 2010

Counting ‘Outsourced’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Green Inc. Blog -
But two scientists at the Carnegie Institution for Science at Stanford University have published a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (subscription required) that aims to quantify how much of each nation’s carbon dioxide consumption is produced locally and how much is “embedded” in imported goods.   [Was this really the best use of their time?]
Book: Climatism!: Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century's Hottest Topic by Steve Goreham | Climate Realists
Climatism is big business. It financially supports modeling scientists and their multimillion-dollar supercomputers, environmental editors at newspapers, entire university departments, environmental vice presidents at thousands of companies, and huge government bureaucracies of climate regulators, enforcers, and consultants.

We now have a great many people standing on a house of cards, but the more people who read this book and spread the truth it contains, the sooner this house of cards will come tumbling down.
Global warming: Another manufactured worry disappears
This comes from the vaunted Work Group 1 of the IPCC AR4 team. Most of the other criticisms have revolved around Work Groups 2 and 3, working on mitigation and adaptation with access to much less science. But this error from the people assessing actual climate change is pretty damning. They had to close their eyes to the truth and change the science to get a wrong answer--and the fact that this allowed them to keep pointing to computer models as reliable is the only logical reason they would do this.

The only real question is, as we dispose of these manufactured worries one by one, what new ones will they come up with to continue trying to scare us?
Climate Sense by Stephen Wilde: LLB (Hons.), Solicitor, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society | Climate Realists
What happened to all that potentially catastrophic warming that was supposed to be a consequence of my (and your) energy profligacy in enjoying the ability to move around freely and quickly, heat our homes adequately in cold weather, entertain and educate ourselves with the TV, reduce death and disease worldwide to an incredible extent, gain instant access to huge reserves of information about anything and everything and communicate with each to an extent previously unheard of in history via computer and internet?

Click PDF file to download latest essay from Stephen Wilde
Radio host smacks Romney over climate change « Iowa Independent
Possible 2012 aspirant and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is taking heat from a familiar source over his statements regarding man-made climate change.
Robyn “100 metres” Williams demands more truth | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

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