Sunday, March 14, 2010

The CSIRO calls this proof? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Why is this surprisingly scanty propaganda pamphlet bizarre, and not quite honest?

First, no one is doubting that “climate change is real”. Climate changes all the time. This is not the debate...
We climate scientists are not ecofanatics | John Houghton - Times Online
If the IPCC has a fault, it is that its reports have been too cautious, not alarmist
The IPCC is not a self-selected group of scientists with a political agenda.
The IPCC is too big an organisation to be captured by an ideological cabal or fall foul of group-think.
The IPCC process also makes it impossible for green propaganda to be slipped in.
Sir John Houghton is former chief executive at the Met Office
[NSFW]: From our Department of False Balance | CEJournal

1 comment:

susan said...

Mr. Houghton, the UN is nothing BUT a political organization. Climategate emails even said Pachauri was elected as a result of intense lobbying by Saudi Arabia and other oil and gas interests. April 19, 2002.