Monday, March 08, 2010

EU in desperate search for climate [hoax] strategy
he European Union is struggling to find a new direction after the failure of the Copenhagen conference. The mood is gloomy, with the general public feeling let down and the EU unable to agree on its climate change policy ahead of the follow-up to Copenhagen in Mexico at the end of 2010. The fact that there is a new Commission now in place might help matters, but it will still be a major challenge to get EU leaders all pulling together in the same direction.
[Upcoming carbon swindle conference in Singapore]
Despite unresolved issues facing the carbon markets, countries and industries are obligated to continue emission reduction efforts as part of the global need to address climate change. In fact, the New York Time’s Green Inc reported that the global carbon market expanded a whopping 68% to 8.2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent from 2008-2009.

This means the carbon markets are here to stay and investments will persist in the carbon business, making carbon credits a sought aftercommodity.
[Isn't Kyoto in Japan?]: Concerns mount over vague Japanese climate bill - 08 Mar 2010 -
Draft climate bill proposes carbon trading scheme, but provides no fresh details on how it will work and hints that binding emission caps could be ditched
RTÉ Business: Cold spell held back German output
In January, the German construction sector ground to a halt as especially cold weather and snow blanketed the country, an economy ministry statement said. It added that there was an 'unusually strong' decline of 14.3% in construction output.

But energy output climbed by 8.8% as businesses and households turned up the heat to stay warm.
The Dog Ate my Data: Stupid is as stupid does
The emails do not really show anything that is not already known. They merely confirm that scientists have become political activists with science a long placed second.
The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide « Watts Up With That?
[David Archibald] Each 20 ppm increment above 280 ppm provides about 0.03° C of naturally occurring warming and 0.43° C of anthropogenic warming. That is a multiplier effect of over thirteen times. This is the leap of faith required to believe in global warming.

The whole AGW belief system is based upon positive water vapour feedback starting from the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm and not before. To paraphrase George Orwell, anthropogenic carbon dioxide molecules are more equal than the naturally occurring ones. Much, much more equal.

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