Tuesday, March 02, 2010

"Expert": Climate change effort will take centuries - Tuesday, March 2, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun
The House has already passed a bill, but getting something through the Senate is a steeper climb. A lot depends on timing. A lot of other things have higher priority right now — creating jobs, banking issues, health care legislation and a war. Congress and the president have to deal with the most pressing issues first. In the end, it’s going to be harder to promote a bill that will, ultimately, raise energy rates. How do they get climate change to the top of the agenda when so many people have lost their jobs? The prospects for that legislation have deteriorated pretty quickly. The odds are not good.
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All Al Gore did is perpetrate a modern day War of the Worlds, and make 100 million on a lie.
The Hindu : News / International : Australia pays Indonesia $27 million to save trees
Australia will pay Indonesia 30 million Australian dollars ($27 million) to find economic alternatives to land clearing on Sumatra as part of the so—called REDD - for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation - scheme, Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan, and Australian Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, said in a joint statement.
Senators rebrand, recast climate bill as 'cap and trade' becomes politically toxic - The Hill's E2-Wire
Senators trying to salvage a climate bill hope to put plenty of distance between themselves and cap-and-trade.

It's an acknowledgment that the term cap and trade has itself become a political liability.

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