Friday, March 12, 2010

Harsh winter takes toll on aquatic life
A harsh winter is to blame for more than 10,000 dead fish at Krug Park.
Is a Hybrid Climate Bill Good Enough? | Mother Jones's clear that they believe that cap and trade is so politically unpalatable at this point that they need to throw it out. But let's set the politics aside for a moment. Can senators defend their plan's environmental goals, if the mission is to cut carbon pollution and create jobs in clean energy? The answer seems to be no, at least according to Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).

Speaking at the Progressive Media Summit on the Hill on Wednesday, Boxer maintained the bill she wrote with Kerry that passed out of her committee last November--which looks a lot like the Waxman-Markey bill passed by the House--is the "gold standard" for climate legislation. "I'm for my bill all the way," said Boxer. "That's the best way, an economy-wide bill." Politically though, she acknowledged that her bill doesn't stand a snowball's chance in a warming planet of passing in 2010, hence the desire to pass a bill with much lower ambitions. "I'm not going to make an argument that the other approach is better," said Boxer. But, she added, "Is it better than doing nothing? Absolutely."
How Best to Debate Climate Deniers on TV? Simple: Don't. : TreeHugger
Again, I'm not calling on skeptics to be silenced, or suggesting that climate scientists shouldn't explain their findings--if anything, I'm in favor of more transparency, and better efforts by scientists to make their findings clearer to the public.
[But they're not even climatologists!]: Should Obama Send His Science Team on a National Campaign to Explain Climate Science? : TreeHugger
What do you think? Could a media blitz from our nation's top-ranking scientists help quell the onslaught of denier misinformation being peddled in outlets like Fox?

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