Friday, March 26, 2010

The Hockey Schtick: Papers on the ANTI-Greenhouse Effect of CO2
Three papers which conclude that at current levels, CO2 (and methane) produce an anti-greenhouse effect due to interaction with H20 by forming clusters. The IR radiation absorption spectra and radiating power of the CO2-H2O and CH4-H2O clusters were calculated and determined to reduce the greenhouse effect.
Jeremy Leggett: caught between low carbon and high-voltage rows | Business | The Guardian
Former scientific director at Greenpeace is at the leading edge of a green energy revolution, and under fire from environmentalists
[Trace amounts of Co2 allegedly] Affect Rainmakers' Predictions
Indigenous people in western Kenya have relied on the mystical abilities of the Nganyi rainmakers to predict the weather for generations. However, the erratic weather caused by climate change has made the signs rainmakers need for their forecast opaque.
“Better Act Now” Than Being Sorry Later? or The Economist vs. The Titanic « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
If you want to insure yourself against catastrophe, surely the very first thing you want to do is to make sure that the end result won’t be worse than the catastrophe you’re trying to avoid.

Take for example what happened with the unsinkable Titanic. It is very likely that, had the crew just slowed down the ship without trying to turn it to avoid the iceberg, four or fewer compartments would have been flooded, and the whole sinking avoided with everybody on board surviving the accident. First Officer Murdoch simply didn’t think about the consequences of some of his actions. The cost of trying to avert the iceberg was as high as losing more the fifteen hundred lives.

And so just like with the famous liner, even if we believe he environment is soon going to crush against some disaster of an iceberg, still we can’t simply decide to do something for the sake of doing something. Uncertainty doesn’t necessarily argue for action.

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