Saturday, March 06, 2010

In Denial
[Steven F. Hayward] The meltdown of the climate campaign.
“In the final [post-problem] stage,” Downs concluded, “an issue that has been replaced at the center of public concern moves into a prolonged limbo—a twilight realm of lesser attention or spasmodic recurrences of interest.” The death rattle of the climate campaign will be deafening. It has too much political momentum and fanatical devotion to go quietly. The climate campaigners have been fond of warning of catastrophic “tipping points” for years. Well, a tipping point has indeed arrived​—just not the one the climate campaigners expected.

The lingering question is whether the collapse of the climate campaign is also a sign of a broader collapse in public enthusiasm for environmentalism in general. Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, two of the more thoughtful and independent-minded figures in the environmental movement, have been warning their green friends that the public has reached the point of “apocalypse fatigue.” They’ve been met with denunciations from the climate campaign enforcers for their heresy. The climate campaign has no idea that it is on the cusp of becoming as ludicrous and forlorn as the World -Esperanto Association.


Luboš Motl said...

That's a very inclusive, nicely written article!

Sean said...

A good read but its missing one thing, the opportunists. The climate bill in this and many countries might long be forgotten except for one thing, there's tremendous money to be made from commisions on selling us the air we breathe in emmision trading schemes. A deeper look into the deep pocketed silent partners that support this charade should be in order.

susan said...

Esperanto reference apropos as the Soros name was actually made up from Esperanto. Soros father was a big Esperanto proponent and speaker as a way to break borders. Taught it to his son and the rest is, of course, history.