Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - EPA Limits On Greenhouse Gases Will Shift U.S. Production Overseas
Much like domestic oil price control shifts increased America's reliance on energy imports, the EPA's plan for a 350 ppm limit on greenhouse gas emissions is a control that will just shift emissions production overseas — the production of goods and services that consumers value.

Ends and means cannot be separated. And unintended consequences are usually severe, as the Nixon and Carter administrations discovered in the 1970s and the Obama administration will discover today if the EPA doesn't change course.
[Breaking: Climate hoax whistleblower didn't pay all of his travel expenses out of his own pocket] - Channel 4 News
Channel 4 News learns that a prominent global warming sceptic at the centre of the climate emails scandal received payments from lobby groups which deny climate change.

In an email exchange with Channel 4 News, Stephen McIntyre, who runs the Climate Audit blog, admitted receiving fees and travel expenses for speaking at a conference organised by the Heartland Institute - an ultra-conservative free-market lobby group based in the US.
The sums received by Mr McIntyre are small and he says he donated the $1000 honorarium received from the Heartland Institute to charity.

In one of the emails received by Channel 4 News he also defended the payments saying: "I've carried out research at very considerable personal financial opportunity cost, while my critics have had generous funding from public sector organizations," Mr McIntrye told Channel 4 News.
Scotland Live - NFU Scotland highlight concern over effect of snow on farming
The resurgence of the winter weather in Scotland has been particularly harsh for farmers. Many newborn lambs are believed to have died.
Joseph Sternberg: Japan's Carbon Hara-Kiri -
A self-inflicted blow to Japanese industry, largely for political gain.
Meet Senator Barbara Boxer's GOP Competition - Hannity -
DEVORE: The fact is that with both carbon dioxide and with water, the reason why the progressive left, why the statists are so focused on those two commodities is that you can't do anything without those two things being involved.

Your job, your — where you live, how you live, how you get to work. That is their avenue to power. By claiming that unless we eviscerate our economy in service of reducing carbon dioxide emissions that somehow we're going to destroy the planet, we have to give all of our freedom and power over to them.


Anonymous said...

That Ch4 story about McKintyre's speaking expenses has to be about the weakest attempt at mud slinging I've seen. Is that the best dirt they can come up with? He was reimbursed for his travel expenses for speaking at a few sceptic conferences? And this is news? I noticed they didn't bother to include it in their broadcast news programme tonight.

They should be reporting on the attrocious vested interests of the supposedly independent ClimateGate inquiry panels. No chance of that making the MSM news though.

Kunoichi said...

Since when did invited speakers at conferences NOT get paid? I know people who were regular speakers at business seminars. They had their travel, hotels and meals all paid for PLUS they were paid a speaker's fee for their seminars. On top of that, their hosts often took them out site seeing, if there was time before they had to return home.

You can bet alarmists are paid for their time speaking at events. Is Ch4 suggesting skeptics shouldn't be compensated for that same thing?

Dan Miller said...

Tom Clarke’s feverish posting March 31, “Climate sceptic received funding from industry” surpasses his own record for biased and inaccurate reporting on climate change issues.

He equates The Heartland Institute – a 26- year-old think tank based in Chicago – with “industry,” when our Web page discloses that no corporation (or even an industry sector) contributes more than 5 per cent of our $7 million-a-year operating budget.

He refers to Heartland as “ultra-conservative,” clearly a pejorative reference in his world but without a shred of backup information or even a reference that would make that adjective pertinent to his article.

And he labels Heartland a “lobby group,” whereas we are prohibited by our non-profit status from lobbying in all cases. Indeed, we have our own corps of US foes who would love to press that charge against us if they thought we were guilty.

At the first International Conference on Climate Change, Mr. McIntyre was accorded the same reimbursements as other scientists who attend major-league science conferences: a modest honorarium and reimbursement for travel and lodging. Since absolutely no money from corporations was used to finance the conference, Mr. Clarke’s charge that Mr. McIntyre was “funded by industry” is utter rubbish and mean-spirited.

And the final error – in this article, although I have no doubt Mr. Clarke will continue to fumble his biased way through subsequent reporting – Phil Jones is not the author of the infamous hockey stick graph as Mr. Clarke asserts. That notorious claim goes to a Yankee, Michael Mann – as stated clearly in the article that Mr. Clarke links to in his own article.

Dan Miller
Publisher/Executive Vice President
The Heartland Institute
19 South LaSalle Street #903
Chicago, IL 60603