Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Migrant Mind: Why Climatologists are not to be trusted
A friend questioned my continued distrust of the IPCC and the scientists therein. He said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Because I am involved in a startup company, it has taken me a while to get to this issue. The dishonesty in climatology has been a long time practice and it is documentable.
Climate snapshot reveals things are heating up
The CSIRO's chief executive, Megan Clark, said yesterday that while society would have a debate about the science underpinning climate change - much like previous debates about the link between smoking and lung cancer - the CSIRO's role was to release ''unemotional'' scientific data.
The Minister for Climate Change, Senator Penny Wong, is also understood to have held meetings with Australian climate scientists to hone the government's message on climate science before the election.
Zone of Emission Fraud is used to Explain Radiation Leaving the Atmosphere.
This degree of obvious contradiction is not a dispute over science; it is a deliberate fraud.
Bear Necessity « The Daily Bayonet
What hippies, the WWF and now the US Government forget is that polar bears managed to survive despite the cold and ice, not because of it. Slightly more pleasant weather will probably see an increase in the number of deadly white killing machines, not their extinction.

But that inconvenient truth won’t persuade gullible morons to send checks to the IPCC propaganda wing, will it?
It's Gettin' Hot in Here: The Big Battle Over Climate Science | Global Warming | DISCOVER Magazine
[Judith Curry] We had two bumps—in the ’90s and also in the ’30s and ’40s—that may have had the same cause. So we may have exaggerated the trend in the later half of the 20th century by not adequately interpreting these bumps from the ocean oscillations.
...I personally don’t support cap-and-trade. It makes economic sense but not political sense. You’re just going to see all the loopholes and the offsets. I think you’re going to see a massive redistribution of wealth to Wall Street, and we’re not going to reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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