Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[More fraud from the Arctic: Is the Catlin warmist team really finding a surprising amount of MELTING ice?] | Environment |
The Catlin Arctic expedition team battles on against the elements and finds a surprising amount of thin and melting ice
March 28, 2010: Toughest Day Yet For Explorer Team - The Catlin Arctic Survey 2010
An ambient temperature of -30° C, a strong Northerly wind of around 30 knots (35mph) and extensive ice rubble fields meant that this was the toughest day yet for the Explorer Team.
Houston, Texas: Plants killed by cold winter piling up on curbs | Ultimate Clear Lake
Friendswood's garbage collectors are having trouble keeping up now that the harsh winter that killed so many plants has given way to weekend yardwork.
Twitter / David Roberts
For instance: I could give a %!$! whether we use "global weirding" or "global overheating" or whatever. As long as it gets repeated a lot!  [How about "global natural variability"?]

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