Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Obama Administration Restates Opposition to Gas Tax Increase
Inhofe: "I appreciate the Obama administration for taking a clear stand opposing any such increase."
April '09: Energy Sec. now admits he was 'Silly' to call for $8 per gallon gas in U.S. | Climate Depot
REP. STEARNS: No. But somehow, your statement, “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” doesn't that sound a little bit silly in retrospect for you to say that?
SEC. CHU: Yes.
[Why isn't the global warming hoax even mentioned in this article?]: Woody Tasch: Is It Time for a Green Tea Party?
Investing in local food systems as a remedy for our cultural and political ills? Yes.
In a world where our money is zooming around the planet investing in God Knows What, or, even worse, Wall Street Knows What, we should not be surprised to end up with a food system that imports tainted food from China, suffers from e coli outbreaks and recalls, gets only about a dime of every food dollar to the farmer, pumps our livestock full of antibiotics, and results in epidemics of obesity and diabetes side-by-side with hunger.

The litany of problems is long, but the point is clear.

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