Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pajamas Media » Is Anthropogenic Global Warming the New Intelligent Design?
Cart before horse, answer before question, “nakedly agenda-driven” — when did these phrases begin to fit climate science as well as ID?
Why did climate scientists get so attached to AGW that, like IDers’ God, it decreed what they must find? I’m too close to the political fulcrum to buy into black-helicopter theories of a conspiracy to impose a socialist world government (although I’ll bet academic and government scientists do have a disdain for the “drill, baby, drill” school of American entrepreneurship; I used to share it.  Still do, a bit). If I had to make a one-word guess at the prime motive, it would be “grants.” But the zeal and solemnity with which the peril to the planet is insisted upon suggests something more.
Budget 2010: £100 million to fill potholes - Telegraph
The cash has been allocated following the most severe winter in 30 years, amid complaints from motoring organisations over the quality of the country's roads.
The American Spectator : Green Meanies
Let's say I ride my green ten-speed bicycle to work tomorrow morning rather than drive my third generation Toyota Prius. Does that give me the right to steal your liverwurst sandwich from the office fridge?

Well, that depends on whether I stop by the farmer's market on the way home.
Green Jobs: The Road to Ruin | FrontPage Magazine
Leftists like Obama find nothing troubling in the green jobs paradigm, whether it means building expensive windmills or forcing small business to pay for specialists who keep the creeping hand of the bureaucracy at arm’s length. To liberals, the economy is a zero-sum game, so what could be wrong about redistributing billions of dollars? For those of us who believe that wealth is created, rather than something that exists in the abstract sense, the idea of a green economy is something far more sinister. If implemented, these green schemes won’t create wealth, they will instead sap America’s riches and we will all be the poorer for it.

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