Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Science Museum to change the name of its new climate change museum | Mail Online
The Science Museum is acknowledging growing scepticism about climate change by changing the name and contents of a new gallery devoted to the subject.

London's 100-year-old museum is to abandon the name 'climate change gallery' in favour of the neutral 'climate science gallery', its director has confirmed.

And it will refrain from scaring visitors with apocalyptic predictions of rising sea levels at its £4million gallery by adopting a less bias approach, acknowledging legitimate doubts about the impact to man-made emissions on the climate.
Endangered Findings - Patrick J. Michaels - National Review Online
While the president will surely brandish the El Niño–driven warmth of 2010 as the reason for the EPA to regulate where the Senate can no longer act, the EPA needs to accept that the “settled” science of global warming has shifted tectonically since the last IPCC report.
Briton espouses alternative view on global warming
Lord Christopher Monckton, the Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, spoke Tuesday at the UVU Events Center on why so-called global warming is no crisis.
Bananas grow in National Trust garden of the future - Telegraph
Paintings commissioned by the National Trust show what the temperature rise would do to a typical British garden.
The Reference Frame: Self-similarity of temperature graphs
The signal-to-noise ratio is actually pretty much independent of the time scale you choose - a typical behavior that people know from "critical behavior" or "conformal field theories".

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