Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A “Solution” to the “Energy Situation”? (Glenn Schleede Responds to a Critic) — MasterResource
If you are looking for something to propose to your elected representatives as a solution, you might suggest that they start by (a) not adding more costly, distorting government “interventions” and (b) undoing those have been put in place during the past three decades.
Global warming and hardball: Can I have another can of whitewash, please?
The other story is a repeat performance of the truly despicable behaviour of the Climategate CRU in dealing with skeptical papers, and comes to our attention via Icecap. It involves a paper submitted to a journal by a skeptic team of scientists. It was accepted. It was published. But then the Climategate CRU decided it had to be defeated, rebutted and slimed. It's in the emails... and here's the story. Once again we see Michael Mann, Phil Jones and the rest of the gang in all their glory breaking rules, pressuring publications, conniving and cheating to make sure that their phony critique, all prettied up to look as though it had been accepted by the journal, lied about the science it was trying to defeat, all for the greater glory of global warming. Just sick stuff. But hey--it kept the skeptic paper out of the headlines for just long enough...

The skeptics, as I said, need to realise that all the institutional advantages lie on the other side. Skeptics aren't picking the panels to investigage misconduct by climate scientists. Skeptics can't dash off a vaguely threatening email to a journal editor.

And when scientists get called on this appalling behaviour, they can just shrug their shoulders and say it's a contact sport--ya gotta expect hardball.
A Look at the Australian Climate Network: Where did Cunderdin Go?
So, in simple terms, while the BoM documentation states that temperature data is (and has been) gathered from one station, it has in fact been gathered from a second station before being moved to a third station.
The Hockey Schtick: MUST SEE: New Video on Mann-made Global Warming
New taxpayer-supported video propaganda on Global Warming was just released by the National Science Foundation, in which Michael Mann plays a prominent role. The discredited Mann hockey stick graph is shown with "hide the decline" and "Mike's Nature trick" included as a single continuous line between the tree ring and thermometer records. In answer to the question "what's unusual about the earth's warming during the past century?" Mann claims that the Medieval Warming Period and Little Ice Age (mostly erased using Mann-made statistics from his hockey stick graph) were regional only, whereas the current warming is global.

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