Wednesday, March 03, 2010

“‘Tis But A Scratch…” « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
And this is from American cartoonist Daryl Cagle, certainly no friend of the Republicans
As one can see, the "hide the decline" story is not an innocent one. Rather, it provides convincing evidence for the view that Jones and his colleagues didn't like the facts as depicted by the data, so they changed them. In short, Briffa, Mann, Jones, and others were aware of data that suggested that the world was warmer 1000 years ago, and rather than admit that openly, they intentionally hid it from public view. Moreover, they hid it by including temperature records in a dataset composed of tree ring data, which, by itself, is exceedingly questionable.
From California, Chinese Solar Maker Looks East - Green Inc. Blog -
Chinese firms, including the Yingli rival Suntech, increased their share of the California market to 46 percent, up from 21 percent at the beginning of 2009.
Does Climategate Undermine the Scientific Integrity of EPA’s Endangerment Finding? You Betcha. |
Peabody concludes that the Climategate files undermines each of the IPCC’s principal lines of evidence, and confirm what many climate “skeptics” had long suspected...
Jonathan Holmes: all sceptics are idiots | Australian Climate Madness
That's the summary of another hopelessly biased piece on ABC's The Drum (i.e. beating the drum for the Left), writing about balance in the media with respect to climate change. Jonathan Holmes is the oh-so-witty presenter of Media Watch and a confirmed climate alarmist.

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