Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Valley Forward Remarks | Climate Skeptic
My sense is that all of this public and private money chasing the same small industry, combined with an emerging reality that global warming forecasts are likely greatly exaggerated, may be leading us into yet another disastrous bubble.
Quadrant Online - [About that heat that comes from the sky]
In Australia there have been suggestions, during the last month or so, that the scientists need to be more scientific and less alarmist, so it was a bit of a surprise to listen to one of the country’s most aggressive climate scientists on the ABC’s The World Today program. Asked by reporter Simon Lauder, “Could there be some unknown element [about climate change] that you couldn’t possibly have ruled out?” Dr David Karoly answered, “It is possible that aliens from Mars have got heaters that are warming up the Earth around Melbourne, but that’s pretty unlikely.” Now there’s a Popeye approach. Pow!
Actually, the elephant in the room regarding the climate change debate should read “the radiator in the room”, and that radiator is the Sun. How often do you hear climate-fear scientists refer to the Earth’s climate in relation to what the Sun has done or is doing.

Not often, rarely…never!
Sunk by global warming? Wave goodbye to this disputed island -
India and Bangladesh have been trying to snatch from each other a tiny landmass that first surfaced in the 1970s in the Bay of Bengal. It has resubmerged, an apparent casualty of climate change.
Sugata Hazra, director of the program, said he started looking at satellite imagery recently after reading media claims that the island, which peaked at 1.3 miles long and 1.1 miles wide, was actually growing in size. Close examination failed to reveal anything. He then checked with local fishermen.
During the 1990s, the island was only 2 meters above sea level, part of a low-lying delta extremely vulnerable to rising seas.
If Co2 made this island (temporarily?) sink, why didn't hundreds of years of CO2 emissions prevent it from rising in the 1970s?

If there's been no significant warming since the mid-1990s, did CO2 really recently cause 2+ meters of sea level rise just in this one location?  Why would glacial meltwater choose to pile up just in this one spot?

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