Wednesday, March 03, 2010

[Will this make the "deniers" happy?] - Berlin Holocaust Memorial damaged in harsh winter - News -
Numerous cracks have been discovered in Berlin’s famous Holocaust memorial after a particularly harsh winter.
Fuel bills will pay for eco-upgrades - Telegraph
Mr Miliband admitted households will pay around £50 per year to subsidise the nationwide scheme through fuel bills but insisted that this would be outweighed by savings in the long term.
The Global Average Urban Heat Island Effect in 2000 Estimated from Station Temperatures and Population Density Data « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
Global hourly surface temperature observations and 1 km resolution population density data for the year 2000 are used together to quantify the average urban heat island (UHI) effect. While the rate of warming with population increase is the greatest at the lowest population densities, some warming continues with population increases even for densely populated cities. Statistics like those presented here could be used to correct the surface temperature record for spurious warming caused by the UHI effect, providing better estimates of temperature trends.
Doubling down vs. going all in: Card playing strategy and the man-made global warming movement | GORE LIED
It has become apparent to anyone who is paying attention, i.e. global temperatures decreasing for a decade, Climategate, Amazongate, et. al., that the hand of cards that Al Gore and the rest of the alarmists are holding is not a strong one. Therefore, when Al Gore penned his NY Times op-ed, “We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change“, he was certainly employing the “going all in” poker strategy, rather than a blackjack “doubling down” strategy.
The Slow Road to… getting things right « JoNova
I watched part of the UK Parliamentary Committee Panel investigations with Phil Jones, and my main thought was ferrgoodnesssake–the nation of the Magna Carta, Newton, and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution: can’t the UK empire just fly Steven McIntyre in and sit these two men down in the same room at the same time? You know, ask questions from one then the other, drilling down with no tea-and-cakes breaks, until they sort out each item on a prearranged list?

Billions of lives depend on figuring out whether CO2 matters, and trillions of dollars rests on the scientific output of East Anglia CRU… if it’s so important, why don’t the UK Government get serious? (Or for that matter, why don’t the IPCC volunteer to arrange this, all televised and restore their credibility… right… show they are take “unscientific behaviour” seriously?) Note that I’m not suggesting that the Panel members aren’t serious, only that they have a long learning curve in this incredibly detailed saga, and McIntyre could save everyone some time.
[Are we 100% sure that this is all caused by trace amounts of carbon dioxide?]: Memo to Starbucks Fans: Global Warming Is Driving Up Coffee Prices
At a recent meeting in Guatemala City Nestor Osorio, head of the ICO, reported that Colombia Arabica production has dropped 33 percent.

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