Thursday, March 04, 2010

Wind industry slams Schumer’s ‘Buy American’ plan - The Hill's E2-Wire
The wind industry’s major trade group on Wednesday attacked legislation floated by several Senate Democrats that would require stimulus-funded renewable power projects to rely on materials manufactured domestically.
EDITORIAL: Global warming winners - Washington Times
Mr. Gore is heavily involved in this scam through Generation Investment Management LLP, which he chairs, and Mr. Pachauri also has been accused of making millions from carbon trading. The dubious science of cap-and-trade and its productivity-killing implications make the bill unlikely to be passed in an election year, but any moves toward this framework will enhance the fortunes of these and other well-connected adherents to the global-warming cult at the expense of businesses and private citizens.

Given the clear conflicts of interest of those who both promote and profit from climate-change alarmism, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize should be rescinded.
There is No Frakking "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming: Almost Half Non-Peer-Reviewed
Despite protests from expert reviewers, 42% of the documents cited in one chapter of the climate bible are grey literature rather than peer-reviewed.
William M. Briggs, Statistician » Carbon Neutral Dining
We meet four Ladies Who Lunch in an Upper West Side New York bistro.

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