Monday, April 05, 2010

[100-second video:  Alarmist claims that climate realists are winning hearts and minds in unspecified, well-funded ways]
[And meanwhile, her side is in possession of unspecified, allegedly compelling evidence!]
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Special Envoy on Climate Change, U.N.
Skeptics of global warming present the same issues as tobacco companies did.
[4-minute video: Even the chairman of Nestle doesn't seem to think that Co2 is the root of all evil]
[He says "Climate change had happened in the past, it will happen in the future"].   He then brings up the big, ancient Roman ports, which he says are now 20 kilometers inland].
Peter Brabeck
Chairman, Nestlé
The climate change issue is much more complex than a low carbon economy.

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