Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Aw, why bother pricing the global warming law? - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register
A bill that would have required economic analysis of any significant regulations dictated by the California Air Resources Board died in committee yesterday on a strictly partisan vote. (Guess which party voted against)
Oh, yeah, by the way. Even the most alarming of the global warming alarmists admit the proposed economy-killing, freedom-limiting regulations being considered by the air board won’t have the slightest effect on global temperatures, which also by the way, haven’t increased in 15 years even though the dreaded CO2 emissions have skyrocketed.
Plastics News - Sony aims for zero environmental footprint by 2050
TOKYO (April 7, 12:30 p.m. ET) — Electronics giant Sony Corp. has announced a new environmental plan that sets a goal of achieving a zero environmental footprint by 2050, including goals for using fewer conventional plastics.z
Georgetown University: Students Take Environmental Solutions to the Hill
Another team wants to help Baltimore prepare for the predicted increase of vector-borne diseases from climate change by lobbying city officials to impose fines on property owners whose sites are ideal for mosquito breeding.

"It is absolutely essential that the Baltimore City Council take immediate precautions to prepare their city for this impending public health crisis," said Stefan Gramp (SFS'10). "Urban environments create a micro-climate effect known as urban heat islands. This means that the ideal climate for dramatic increases in mosquito populations exists now."
History of malaria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Malaria was once common in most of Europe and North America, where it is now for all purposes non-existent.

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