Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Beef price surges following harsh US winter
Beef prices are soaring after cattle failed to fatten up during the harsh US winter and cash-strapped ranchers culled herds to cope with the recession.
Newt Still Defends Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi: 'We Need a Green Conservatism'
Gingrich contends he was seeking common ground with liberals on climate change issue, but says current legislation is 'just pure socialist.'
“What I’m opposed to is a centralized command bureaucracy raising the cost of the American economy, driving factories to China and India and guaranteeing our collapse as an economic power. So, I think we should be prepared to engage in that debate, not to hide from it and that was the whole point of the Pelosi commercial that said we ought to both be able to have this debate and we ought to be able to move through the legislation. Now they then turned that into the Waxman-Markey bill, which is socialism now. That’s why I describe a secular socialist machine because their entire climate approach is just pure socialist.”
An 'Invitation to join the Government of Britain'? Thanks, Dave – but no thanks – Telegraph Blogs
The final turn-off for many voters will be the sections “Build a greener economy” and “Vote blue, go green”. People stupid enough to subscribe to the AGW scam, which even the dogs in the street now know is bogus, are not fit to govern. It is as simple as that. “We will reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions and increase our share of global markets for low carbon technologies… We will reform the Climate Change Levy to provide a floor price for carbon…” Uh-huh?

The patronising, didactic tone is typical of AGW propaganda: “Climate change is a global phenomenon, and that means the world must work together to reduce harmful emissions.” That sounds like Miss Green Brodie lecturing a class of schoolgirls. There will be tax incentives for wind farms, which any grown-up political party would be proposing to bulldoze, and “a green collar workforce”. Aw, puleeze!
Cap and Trade Could Lead Broke States Out of Recession : TreeHugger
Unless it's linked to enabling some really attractive policy ideas, I don't see the fact that cap and trade could provide the government with revenue being much of a selling point--and worse, it could actually make poorly informed voters (read: Fox News fans) mad.

1 comment:

susan said...

Stop offering Gingrich speaking engagements, tv appearances and the like. His words and actions provide abundant evidence that he is duplicitous at best. Why would anyone associate with such a person for any reason especially in life and death matters we now face? Do they like being tricked and robbed? Those who provide him a platform to bloviate his lunacy should be ignored as well. To put it as politely as possible, he is unfit for public life.