Friday, April 16, 2010

Climate Common Sense: Lake Michigan - Green Plans to Deface It's Natural Beauty
Lake Michigan is the latest natural beauty spot targeted for the construction of ugly wind turbines as a monument to Green stupidity. The fact that it is even being considered shows the schizophrenic nature of the green mentality - forty 44 story high ideologically pure monstrosities in a natural wonderland.
Oceans' saltiness reaching extremes › News in Science (ABC Science)
The supercharging of Earth's water cycle by global warming is making some parts of our oceans saltier, while others parts are getting fresher, according to a new study.
Inner City Press: Investigative Reporting from the United Nations
But shouldn't Pachauri at least be required to formally disclose who he works for on the side, and how much he gets paid? He has resisted even this.

Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon and his spokesman for the UN view on this lack of transparency. The answer was that the IPCC is not a UN body, and that Pachauri would answer the questions himself. But when he came to the UN, seeking to use Ban Ki-moon as a prop and character witness, neither took any questions from the press.
Did Native Americans contribute to global warming?
Early Na­tive Amer­i­cans caused more car­bon di­ox­ide emis­sions than pre­vi­ously thought—and they thus con­tri­but­ed to glob­al warm­ing even be­fore the in­dus­t­ri­al era be­gan, a new study sug­gests.
In­i­tial­ly, Spring­er and col­la­bo­ra­tors from Uni­vers­ity of Tex­as at Ar­ling­ton and Uni­vers­ity of Min­ne­so­ta were stu­dying his­tor­ic drought cy­cles in North Amer­i­ca us­ing iso­topes, or vari­ants, of car­bon in stal­ag­mites. To their sur­prise, they said, the car­bon rec­ord con­tained ev­i­dence of a ma­jor change in the lo­cal ec­o­sys­tem be­gin­ning at 100 B.C.

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