Chinese ‘Leaf’ EV Breaks Laws of Physics to Go Green | Autopia |
The flight of fancy continues with the wheel turbines, which spin like those god-awful wheels we used to see on Cadillac Escalades. SAIC claims the turbines generate electricity as the car is moving.War Footing - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Greens believe we are in a climate war for mankind’s survival. And not unlike WWII, that war requires that government compel — or at least underwrite — private industry to build the machines (not tanks this time, but hybrids and windmills, etc.) to win the conflict.The Hockey Schtick: There He Goes Again: Mann Claims His Hockey Stick was Given "Clean Bill of Health"
Unlike WWII, however, it is a war without end. And unlike WWII, it is a war that demands a permanent takeover of the means of production.
Mann has been repeating this arrogant duplicitous spin continuously since Climategate and refuses to acknowledge any problems whatsoever with his infamous doomsday hockey stick graph.Krugman Paints False Picture of Consensus Alarmism — MasterResource
Krugman gives the impression that there is widespread consensus that drastic action is needed to avert catastrophic climate change. This is simply not true, and all we have to do is actually read the consensus reports to see that Krugman is misleading his readers.
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