Friday, April 02, 2010

Climate Common Sense: Northern sea ice growth a fluke? The AGW canary is very much alive!
Of course I suppose the large percentage increases in summer ice in 2008 and 2009 were just flukes also?
The AGW crowd has so much invested in the ice-free Arctic scare that it will be more and more difficult for them to explain it's cyclic recovery.
Global Cooling Radio (listen and talk to your favourite skeptics) « JoNova
Mark Gillar who writes the Hootville Gazette has taken the initiative and arranged a set of radio interviews with the who’s who of skeptics like Lord Monckton, Patrick Michaels, Ann McElhinney, Marc Morano, Chris Horner, Steve Milloy, Joseph D’Aleo, and yours truly. The first one starts tomorrow morning (US time). You can email or phone in questions. Some details are below, but most are on the Global Cooling Radio site, and of course, details may change in the future, so check in at his site.
C3: The Climate Model Snow Predictions Fiasco: 9 IPCC Climate Models Predicted Less Snow For Northern Hemisphere - Total Opposite of Reality
"While some journalists insist that recent winter snows are proof of global warming effects, they miss the fact that models have been predicting less snow in the northern hemisphere....As we know, winter snow cover has actually increased about 5% since it bottomed in 1989, and is now close to a record maximum....So far, the climate models have the wrong polarity on their predictions of winter snow cover changes."
[Tom Yulsman: Another alarmist who claimed to know why sea ice fluctuated downward, but doesn't know why it fluctuated back upwards] | CEJournal
Many of the readers of seem to think they know why Arctic sea ice has grown to a normal extent, as shown in the graph above — something that hasn’t been seen in many years. I have no idea why, so rather than speculate I’ll wait for the National Snow and Ice Data Center to publish it’s next monthly report in the coming days.

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