Friday, April 02, 2010

YouTube - Repower America Campaign Update [Four days after its release, this call to action has garned 454 views]
Set an ambitious new goal of 200,000 letters and over a half a million phone calls in the coming weeks.
[Gore vs Obama]: Statement by Alliance for Climate Protection President and CEO Maggie L. Fox on President Obama’s Energy Security Announcement
Washington, DC – Alliance for Climate Protection President and CEO Maggie L. Fox today issued the following statement on President Obama’s energy security announcement today at Andrews Air Force Base:

This plan continues our reliance on dirty fossil fuels – we cannot simply drill our way to energy security. Americans are demanding a clean energy future that goes beyond drilling and incentivizes the technologies that are critical to building a 21st-century clean energy economy. What we need now is presidential leadership that drives comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation that caps harmful carbon pollution, puts America back to work, ends our reliance on foreign oil and keeps us safe.”
[We're saved!]: MSPs fly out on £30,000 business-class 'jolly' – to talk about climate change - The Scotsman
THE Scottish Parliament is to spend £30,000 of taxpayers' money sending six people on a week-long trip to North America to highlight the dangers of climate change.
'Whether-Weather' exhibit explores human side of global warming - Don't Miss -
Gillum definitely sides with the human-caused point of view, and one of the aims of his exhibition is to explore the relationship of people to the environment.
Geneven Yang, for example, filled balloons with water, froze them and hand-painted faces on them. As they hang and slowly melt, the paint will drip on paper below, creating a permanent abstract record of an ephemeral event.
Some pieces are highly political. Others focus on smog. There's even a melting Jesus planned.

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