Thursday, April 01, 2010

Democrats absent in Missouri's 9th Congressional District race -
[First-term Republican Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer's] first term has been marked by strong opposition to Obama's health care reform package and vocal skepticism of climate change.
Trust and Mistrust « Watts Up With That?
[Willis Eschenbach] I don’t know about you, but I’m weary of the vague statements that characterise many of the discussions about climate change. These range from the subtle to the ridiculous. An example would be “I believe in climate change”. Given that the climate has been changing since there has been climate, what does that mean?

We also hear that there is a “consensus” … but when you ask for the actual content of the consensus, what exactly are the shared beliefs, a great silence ensues.
Has the White House painted itself into a corner over climate change? | FT Energy Source |
So the consensus is that this proposal is more about politics than policy — and if it is to be justified, it must be in terms of shepherding a successful climate bill through a fractious and partisan Senate. But is it a success, in those terms?Observers such as Ezra Klein, one of the sharpest watchers of congressional strategy over the past year, seem baffled by the White House’s game:
There may be some brilliant strategy underlying all this, but no one in the administration has seen fit to explain what it is.
Seychelles environment chief [trace amounts of CO2 might absolutely destroy us; by the way, please keep taking those unnecessary long-haul fuel-guzzling trips to support our tourist industry] - 31 March 2010 - New Scientist
[Q] What would you say to a potential ecotourist in London who is thinking of visiting the Seychelles but is worried about the carbon footprint of their flight?

[A] The Seychelles is a net sink of carbon. We absorb about 850 million tonnes annually and only emit about 225 million tonnes. I think it would be most unfair to say that the Seychelles, Mauritius or the Maldives should not remain as tourist destinations because of carbon emissions by the long-haul airline industry. It would be yet another unfair position that the industrialised countries would be putting us in because of something we are not responsible for in the first place.

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