Thursday, April 01, 2010

Obama's drilling decision seen as compromise - The Denver Post
"(Democrats) consider an energy bill with some nuclear and some oil as the price to getting support for a cap on carbon," said Robert Dillon, Murkowski's spokesman on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, who indicated Republicans had different ideas.

"It's not going to make a bad bill better," he said. "A climate bill is going to be judged on its own merits."
"They wiped five sales off the books that were planned for the next two years in Alaska," said Daniel Kish, vice president of the Institute for Energy Research. "They opened the least prospective areas and closed the most prospective areas."
Morning Bell: Don’t Fall For Obama’s Energy Shell Game | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Can the Obama administration’s desperate attempts to cover their true far left nature with centrist rhetoric and promises become any more transparent? Yesterday, the President announced “an expansion of offshore oil and gas exploration” in selected areas off the coasts of the United States. The President claims this announcement was made “in order to sustain economic growth and produce jobs,” but nobody believes him. Just take a quick look at today’s newspaper reporting...
William M. Briggs, Statistician » Obamacare & Climate Change: Temperature, Health Targets
[Remember, it's April Fools' Day] There it was, hidden on page 1,323 of the 2,700-page health care bill: a proposal to define the ideal climate for the Continental United States and Alaska. For no reason I can see, Hawaii is excepted.
Riehl World View: Obama, Drill Here, Eventually, Perhaps
Obama wants disastrous cap and trade policy, to shut down the coal industry - and one day, maybe, we get to drill for oil off our own coast, eventually, perhaps.
Moe Lane » Obama’s drilling bribe is insultingly small.
Let me put it another way: the White House is implying the promise of jam tomorrow - in reality, it’s just a study to revisit the denial of jam yesterday - in exchange for jam today. Only the jam today is actually a swarm of angry wasps. Try again, Mr. President. Start with rescinding your interference with the Bush drilling permits, and expect to give up more. A lot more: your opponents are not interested in indulging the Greenies’ quaint, somewhat primitive religious sensibilities.

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