Pajamas Media » ‘Drill, Baby Drill’? Not Hardly
By the time the first drop of oil makes it to market from Obama's announcement on Wednesday, he will have been out of office for years.Stall, Baby, Stall - Sarah Palin - The Corner on National Review Online
I’ve got to call it like I see it: The administration’s sudden interest in offshore drilling is little more than political posturing designed to gain support for job-killing energy legislation soon to come down the pike. I’m confident that GOP senators will not take the bait.The President's Oil Drilling Bait-N-Switch -
Talk is cheap and President Obama knows that. Let's hope Senate Republicans and moderate Democrats know that too.Comments On The NASA Earth Observatory Article “Cold Snaps Plus Global Warming Do Add Up” « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
False promises about supporting oil drilling are bad enough, but it would be a travesty if they brought cap-and-trade.
The statement that “bouts of natural cooling that could last years are expected naturally even as the climate continues on a long-term warming trend, forced by man-made emissions” conflicts with the IPCC finding of more-or-less monotonic warming (interspersed with only periods of a few years with slight cooling or no warming). How can you have warming and cooling at the same time! A cooling and a warming trend do not “add up”.Global Warming from Africa – Contagious Spreading at 100 Miles Per Year « Musings from the Chiefio
As we look at each graph, there will be in evidence a “pivot point” where a basically flat, or often falling, temperature profile suddenly pitches upward into a runaway fever. A “Tipping Point”. What is truly startling, however, is that this date slowly progresses across the top of Africa, through the Middle East, and into Southern Europe. The “Tipping Point” clearly indicates when the Global Warming Infection arrives in each country.Al Fin: Obama Plan for Energy Starvation and Suicide
There was no shortage of not-so-bright pundits who declared that Obama was now opening up oil drilling, based upon the White House announcements. But anyone who has been following the Obama - Pelosi - Boxer - Salazar program of planned energy starvation would have known better.
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