Monday, April 19, 2010

[Isn't Al Gore coming to the “largest climate rally ever” on the DC Mall April 25?!]
Come hear everyone from James Hansen to James Cameron, from Sting to me. Let's show the Tea Partiers what a real crowd looks like.
No, Dr. Glikson « JoNova
Compare the model predictions to the weather balloon measurements below. The graphs are not remotely the same. The models are wrong. The “hot spot” is missing. The net effect of the warming due to man-made CO2 has been exaggerated.
Hugh Hewitt: Choices for Charlie Crist and Lindsey Graham | Washington Examiner
Championing cap and tax in 2010 is close to a political death wish for a Republican.
Global Warming for Dim Wits: A Scientist's Perspective of Climate Change by James R. Barrante | Climate Realists
It is the intent of this author that by the time you finish the book you will be convinced that:

- greenhouse gases do not control the climate, the climate controls greenhouse gases
- your children will understand that they are safe and the sky is not falling
- climate change is a natural process that takes tens of thousands of years to occur.
European Greenies openly admit destructive aims
Their aim is a much more impoverished world under strict State control. "Selective degrowth" is a term Orwell might have invented in his visions of a coming dystopia

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