Monday, April 19, 2010

EU Referendum: The beginnings of a recantation?
We appear, therefore, to have the beginnings on a recantation from the mighty Huff. It is, though, almost the human condition – that we should be chasing after miasma, while ignoring the real perils on our doorsteps. A catastrophic volcano eruption has always been on the cards – and in fact is overdue. The consequences, however, are manageable, with an element of intelligent planning.
Senate Climate Bill: Environmentalists Say Bipartisan Support is Possible - ABC News
But Democrats -- fresh from their decisive battle over health care overhaul and now facing hurdles in financial reform -- may have little political capital left to spare for this hot-button topic.

"The whole issue of cap and trade has become this symbolic kind of silliness. When issues get into that mindset on the Hill, it's easier not to do something than to do something," said Steven Cohen, executive director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University. "I don't know that they're going to get the attention they need and the political emphasis to get this through."

Even if the bill were to pass the Senate, it would have to be voted on again by House members if changes are made. Many of the Democrats who voted for the climate legislation last year are much more wary now in the face of tough reelection battles in their home states. And at a time when climate change may not be as high on Americans' agenda as other worries, some may choose to avoid this sticky issue altogether.
[Why is Obama golfing when he could be saving our grandchildren from CO2-induced apocalypse?] - Washington Times
On a cool but sun-drenched Sunday, the president and three golfing companions went to Andrews Air Force Base to play 18 holes. It is the 32nd time Mr. Obama has played golf since taking office Jan. 20, 2009, according to CBS Radio's Mark Knoller.
Mr. Obama has played golf far more often than former President George W. Bush. In his eight years in office, Mr. Bush played just 24 times. His last time as president was Oct. 13, 2003.

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