Thursday, April 29, 2010

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, April 29th 2010 « The Daily Bayonet
Al Gore has a modest new home in California, because every eco-cult leader needs a mansion on each coast. Australia’s government dropped emissions trading like a hot rock because the ‘climate crisis’ can wait until after the pesky election, and CNN emulates ancient cultures and is fearful of a vengeful planet.
German scientists suggest per-person carbon emission quotas | Earth Times News
Potsdam, Germany - German scientists called Tuesday for the world to accept per-person quotas for carbon dioxide emissions to kick-start a global trading scheme where poor nations will benefit.

The Potsdam Institute for Research on Climate Effects said everyone on the globe should be allowed 5 tons of carbon per year. That is just one quarter of the average per-person emissions for a US citizen, but still far above emissions in poor nations.
Putin attaches satellite tag to tranquilized polar bear in Russia’s Arctic
Wearing a bright red coat and cap, the 57-year-old premier kneeled at the head of a tranquilized polar bear to attach a satellite-tracking collar, then helped elevate the sedated beast for weighing. He shook its paw and uttered the words: “Be well.”

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