Saturday, April 24, 2010

Global warming: The Oxburgh Incident and the Italian Job
Would Lord Oxburgh have been appointed to his position as head of the panel investigating Climategate if it had been known that his employer was a subsidiary controlled by an Italian company enmeshed in scandals involving Sicilian waste? Let me hasten to add that I am not making any accusations of either Lord Oxburgh or Falck Renewables, the company he chairs. But was he really the best choice for this inquiry?
Beecher, Flannery and Melbourne’s climate of conformity | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
This is, then, merely a collection of fellow travellers and mainchancers who agree with each other on a colossal scare based on controversial climate models that almost none have studied. And they are brought together not because they have something new to say, but because what they’re guaranteed to say suits the agenda of the Government and its ideological collaborators.

And this, we’re told, is “unparalleled debate”. This will help us to become a “City of Literature”.

Do we laugh or throw up?
The Hockey Schtick: Sign of the Times: Amazon Rank Spencer 40 v. Romm 2087
Spencer outselling Romm 52 [31?] to 1: Another inconvenient truth

1 comment:

Luboš Motl said...

The sales rate is not inversely proportional to the rank. A much better formula is salesPerWeek[rank_] := Exp[10.526 - (0.87*Log[rank])]

Rank 40 gives 1505 per week, 2087 gives 48 per week which is 31 times fewer. Cheers, LM