Sunday, April 04, 2010

Off the Shelf - ‘Green Gone Wrong’ - Can Capitalism Save the Planet? - Review -
IT may seem quaint to recall this now, but on the eve of the financial crisis, one of the biggest business stories was how large corporations were going to save the planet and make billions of dollars for their shareholders at the same time.
An inconvenient objection on global warming
Welcome to the modern discourse about global warming and the Orwellian divide it has spawned. Believe in climate change, even if you don't know anything about it? Congratulations - you're intellectual. Have a question, or, even worse, a doubt? You must be a Bible-thumping hillbilly with a smaller-than-average-size brain.

Except, I'm neither of those. I'm of a rare breed, one the advocates of environmental groupthink haven't yet learned how to address. I support same-sex marriage, edit my high school's literary magazine, and think evolution is the reason humans and chimps share 96 percent of their DNA. Still, I'm not convinced that the topic of global warming is as indisputably simple and one-sided as it is so frequently construed.
Global warming evidence not there
When these man-made global activists show doctored photos or tweak their data, one has to ask the question: Why would they do that if the evidence is so conclusive?
PSU Probing Question: How Fast are the Polar Ice Sheets Melting? |
[Sridhar Anandakrishnan, a geophysicist in Penn State’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences] “The take-away message from all this,” he said, “is that the oceans and the glaciers speak to each other, if you will, more often and more strongly than we’d expect. They are not separate systems. If we’re going to understand melting and predict sea-level rise, we’ll need to understand the rhythms of their complex dance.”

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