Thursday, April 01, 2010

Save the Planet: Eat Peanut Butter and Jelly - Food - The Atlantic
The psychology of sacrifice is complicated. Studies consistently show that humans are remarkably quick to give up something for a loved one. But when it comes to self-denial, especially at the behest of a stranger's advice, or in the interest of a disembodied "cause," we tend to be more libertarian. Not to mention defensive and skeptical. Making matters even more complicated is the fact that food is, for many of us, religion. Looked at from this perspective, one could be forgiven for dismissing the public quest to reduce meat consumption as a lost cause.
Global Warming Is a Joke, But Its Propaganda Is No Laughing Matter | NewsReal Blog
...there’s something surreal about left-wingers appealing to the Pope, especially on matters of science. Would Little accept the answers of religious authorities on the subjects of evolution or when human life begins?
Double-standards and flat-out denial of the facts run rampant on the Left, which no conservative should let opponents get away with. On the bright side, given the overwhelming evidence that global warming is a joke, it is fitting that comedians are now moderating debates on the subject.
Mega-flood triggered Europe's last big freeze... and global warming could plunge us back into the cold, warn scientists | Mail Online
Europe was plunged into a mini ice age 13,000 years ago after global warming caused a mega-flood, geologists said today.

Mark Bateman from the University of Sheffield, said a catastrophic flood was caused when an ice sheet in the U.S melted causing a huge amount of freshwater to be dumped into the Arctic Ocean.  [Does this fit well with the "positive feedback until the Earth becomes an uninhabitable fireball" theory?]
Climate Common Sense: Australia backs Carbon Markets - Rudd Finds Another Way to Waste Your Money!
Of course, one of the questions keeping me awake at night is where the figure of 100 billion came from. Why not 95 billion of 105 billion? Are these people using modified climate models to come up with these grand figures or are they inaccurate guesses?

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