Sunday, April 11, 2010

Signal to Noise | Climate Skeptic
...the essential point is that the signal to noise ratio here is really really low. The signal we are trying to measure (0.6C or so of warming) is smaller than the noise, even ignoring measurement and other errors.
Winter Storm Warning – In California – In April « Musings from the Chiefio
Well, that’s “Global Warming” for you. Just heard on The Weather Channel that there is a Winter Storm Warning in effect for California. Here it is the middle of April (when we often get small showers but not much more) and we’re lined up for a Winter Storm.
NC Media Watch: C02 is plant food(edited)
Here is a time lapse video of two plants grown in different concentrations of CO2. It is not a pollutant, it is plant food.
Twitter / CatlinArcticSurvey
IceBase: challenging day trying to strap hot water bottles to data loggers that dislike being out in the extreme cold

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