Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Hockey Schtick: Richard Alley's Failed Rebuttal of Cosmoclimatology
Why does Dr. Alley not consider the possibility that the increased cosmic rays played a role in transition to an ice age, but that there might be a "saturation point" beyond which additional cosmic rays do not make a significant difference? That's not discussed, since it doesn't agree with his party-line theory that CO2 controls all.
Ecocide? Bring it on, (in a Western Government Court). « JoNova
Trials for people who twist, deny and distort science? Bring it on I say. Skeptical science would triumph in any court where real evidence was cross examined. And people might find that the real deniers on trial are those who ignore hundreds of studies, thousands of boreholes, and defend statistically inept graphs, all while receiving funds from the public that they are supposedly serving. The real deniers who claim that committee reports are “evidence” could be also held accountable for business malinvestment, gross misdirection of public funds, and on behalf of children who starved as biofuels ate their food.
Equilibrium Prevents Humans from Heating the Atmosphere by Gary Novak | Climate Realists
Regardless, the claim is not being made that humans are heating the planet by increasing cloud cover or decreasing cloud cover. Yet nothing other than than can change the amount of energy entering the planet and the equilibrium temperature required for the energy to exit the planet
- Bishop Hill blog - Courier feature
If anything, the evidence against man-made global warming is growing and the Hockey Stick Illusion stands as the definitive account of a pivotal point in climate change science.
The Future, as an Ice Age Begins by Gary Novak, | Solar Cycle 25
The ice accumulates for about 80 thousand years and then melts for about 20 thousand years. Scientists used to assume that ice ages were a natural result of ice accumulating and melting in a cyclic manner. But the timing is too precise for natural environmental effects, which vary a lot. I therefore theorize that the cause is hot spots rotating in the earth's center and heating the oceans. Rotations in the earth's molten center could cycle in a precise way. It cannot be a coincidence that the tilt of the earths orbit also cycles at the same interval of 100 thousand years. Perhaps the central core of the earth is pulled off center causing more heat to get to the surface where there are more oceans.
Tipping Point Not Likely for Arctic Sea Ice | Wired Science |
“Everyone thought there would be a tipping point,” said Dirk Notz, a Max Planck Institute climate scientist. “But that’s too simple.”

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