Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Skyrocketing tomato prices squeeze restaurants' bottom lines, menus | thetimesherald.com | The Times Herald
Florida's winter freeze killed off half of this season's crop supply
Climate Change Denial: The Smoking Gun | NEWS JUNKIE POST
Is there a legal right to shout “hoax” on a burning planet? It is well documented that corporate interests fund a widespread campaign of lies and misinformation about climate change. Worse, they have been enjoying considerable success just as they did with tobacco.
Let’s be clear here. We are not talking about the right of corporations and individuals to voice dissenting opinions. This is not an ad hominem attack meant to cast doubt on their arguments based on who funded it. We know for a fact that their claims are false. Just as the tobacco lobby does and did, they are knowingly and deliberately disseminating lies for the purposes of personal profit. Lies that will kill many hundreds of millions of human beings.
James Hoggan: The Smoking Guns and Blue Dress Moments of Climategate
In many instances, the reactions sounded like a choreographed choir singing from the same sheet of talking points, or at least the same sheet of of well-worn memes and cliches, like 'smoking gun' and 'final nail in the coffin.'
Abandoning Congress is not a winning strategy for climate activists | Grist
Without a Congressional mandate behind it, the EPA will not have the political power it needs to implement rules with the kind of strength activists want and the science demands. The success of EPA rules absent Congressional action would depend on the politics of whatever administration is in power.

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