Tuesday, April 13, 2010

States see pushback against carbon trading | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
Efforts to implement cap-and-trade programs at state level are faltering, just as policymakers in Washington are struggling to generate enough support to put in place a comprehensive national system.

Recent setbacks in California and Arizona point to growing headwinds against the policy. As cap-and-trade loses momentum and becomes embroiled in bigger political disputes about the size and role of government, opponents are becoming emboldened to try to block the policy completely.
[Department of Defense blows another $50k on the climate hoax]
The research of Cullen Hendrix, Ph.D., and Idean Salehyan, Ph.D., both assistant professors of political science at the University of North Texas, is being funded with a $50,000 grant from Department of Defense.
Over the next four years, the professors will determine if climate change has led to more political instability in the African nations.
Reid 'pushing very hard' for climate bill - The Hill's E2-Wire
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Monday that he's pushing the architects of upcoming Senate climate and energy legislation to produce the measure quickly.

Asked if he hoped to bring the bill to the floor before July 4, Reid said "I hope so. We're going to try very hard."
The Dirty Underside of Lula's Clean Energy Revolution - By Nikolas Kozloff | Foreign Policy
Brazil's biofueled paradise is looking more and more like a carbon-spewing wasteland.
Robinson speaks to Farm | Stanford Daily
Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson spoke about human rights at Stanford on Monday, drawing from her past work as the United Nations high commissioner for human rights and on her more recent work with nonprofits like Realize Rights.
According to Robinson, climate change is the most important human rights issue of the day — but it needs a human face to gain momentum.

“The icon of climate change is a poor woman farmer,” Robinson said. “She has to try and cope . . . [and she has] no safety nets.”

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