Thursday, April 01, 2010

White House: [You know that attempt at horse trading?  It wasn't an attempt at horse trading]
White House spokesman Bill Burton said Thursday that President Obama’s decision to expand offshore oil-and-gas drilling is not an effort to win support for legislation to impose greenhouse gas emissions limits.

“The President’s policy wasn’t a matter of horse trading over what he thought he could get out of this or that,” Burton told reporters. “It was driven by what he thought was the right policy for a comprehensive energy policy that puts our country on the right path towards more renewable energy, less dependence on foreign oil, and creating jobs of the future in the 21st century.”
Warning Signs: Destroying America with the EPA's Carbon Lies
...None of these facts is a secret yet, since 1989, the U.S. government has spent $79 billion in taxpayer’s money on “climate change” research. To suggest that the government, using the data generated, has any “control” over the climate is absurd.

The result of all that government funded research has been a public that has been subjected to the massive fraud called global warming. Weather data provided by NASA and NOAA, for example, has had to have been withdrawn due to errors.
CNN Tomorrow « Climate Audit
John Roberts’ show at 6:20 am to talk about the Parliamentary Committee. Roberts visited CRU in the heat of Climategate. They said that I would be appearing with Michael Mann – anyone heard of him? In the re-confirm, they said that I’d be appearing with Mike MacCracken.
Tonight’s Show: Junk Science (FBN 8pm & 11PM ET) « John Stossel
Climate scientist Roy Spencer will join the show to help sort fact from fiction in the global warming debate. Jerry Taylor of the Cato Institute will expose energy myths on the Right and the Left. Plus, find out how environmental hysteria got light bulbs and plastic bag banned -- and how junk sciencee got me a free golf cart from the government.

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