[39% would vote to re-elect Obama]
Only 39% of voters said they would vote to re-elect Pres. Obama if the election were held today, while 50% say they would vote for someone else.Advocacy By Veerabhadran Ramanathan and Yangyang Xu In The PNAS
[Richard Lindzen] “In brief, we have the new paradigm where simulation and programs have replaced theory and observation, where government largely determines the nature of scientific activity, and where the primary role of professional societies is the lobbying of the government for special advantage.”ABC's Catalyst: increased CO2 is bad for plants | Australian Climate Madness
You thought increasing CO2 in the atmosphere would be good for plants? Wrong. It's bad, and the ABC's "science" programme jumps on this research without pausing for breath. Brilliant.Name-calling fairy dust: “Conspiracy Theorist” « JoNova
The USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole in 1959, and the US Navy has photos of it.Warming of Greenland? « Calder's Updates
The strongest reasons for doubting the man-made global warming hypothesis come from pre-industrial climate change. During the past 10,000 years, since soon after the end of the last ice age, there have been bigger ups and downs in global temperatures than during the 20th Century. Yet according to the IPCC, citing measurements of gas trapped in polar ice, the concentration of CO2 varied by only about 20 ppm throughout those 10,000 years – less than a quarter of the change during the 20th Century.BBC News - Today - Ozone hole discoverer's warning
So whatever caused the pre-industrial climate changes, it was not CO2.
Dr Farman also blamed the science establishment for "brushing aside" specific criticisms of climate science. It is impossible, for instance, properly to peer-review computer climate projections from the Met Office, he says.Pajamas Media » Climategate: Sensenbrenner Report Challenges EPA Greenhouse Finding (PJM Exclusive)
"Show me paper from the Hadley Centre and invite me to peer review it - I simply can't… it took 2,000 man years to write it!" The fact that other models reproduced the findings was not in itself conclusive, he says, adding "It's getting peer review into bad odour."
He said the teams investigating the controversy at the University of East Anglia should have invited some climate sceptics on board. "Lord Oxburgh's review (which cleared researchers at the Climatic Research Unit of any wrong-doing) was not convincing, he said.
Rep. James Sensenbrenner today releases a report calling the science behind the EPA's endangerment finding for carbon dioxide into question.
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