Friday, May 14, 2010

Al Fin: Amazing Time-Lapse Video of CO2 Effect on Plant Growth
Rather than to manipulate growing conditions outside the realm of natural possibility in order to promote a fiction that CO2 is harming plant growth, would it not be better to perform honest and open experiments, and let the chips fall where they may? As in honest science? Or perhaps, there is no money in that type of thing these days.
The Reference Frame: Pachauri's talk to the meta-IPCC panel
Now, try to imagine that 90% of your income rests on an assumption or a belief. Wouldn't you be tempted to defend the assumption or the belief? You surely wouldn't but I guess you can imagine many other people who would. ;-)

The discipline is completely corrupt.
Florida Cold Winter Of 2009-2010 « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Protestors not happy with Al Gore honorary degree
Protestors will be lining up as Gore gives UT graduation speech and is awarded honorary degree - L.A. Times Declines to Endorse Sen. Boxer in California Primary
The editors at the biggest newspaper on the West Coast, who were expected to endorse Sen. Barbara Boxer in her primary campaign against token opposition, have decided to remain neutral, saying the California Democrat doesn't display enough intellectual firepower.

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